When I think about all of the information that our group has brought together, I am reminded of my first encounter with the Bush River Quaker Cemetery. The year before my husband and I took a very special trip to Scotland, I was desperately doing as much reading and research on my grandmother's McGregor and McKinsey family as I could do in what seemed such a short time. It was somewhat disappointing to me at the time that I was unable to take her mother's McKinsey family back to Scotland with my research. However, since then, I have probably spent more time on this McKinsey family than any other family line that makes up my heritage. And one of the first major events that happened was that I found this cemetery on a trip to look at the University of South Carolina with my youngest daughter during her senior year of high school. The photo below is from that trip BEFORE the restoration of the cemetery.
Due to the efforts of Judith Russell and many others this cemetery has now been restored and is being maintained.
The group photo below was taken in 2008 at our Bush River Homecoming event that was held in Newberry, South Carolina. It is from this event that our September 2013 event was born.
If you would like to be a part of supporting the Bush River Cemetery Preservation, you can purchase the cemetery book or you can send donations to Judith Russell. The details of how to purchase or donate are on the flyer below.
For more information on this contact Judith: jrussell2@charter.net
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information about their ancestors who lived in Newberry County and the environs of Bush River from the mid 1700's to the first decade of the 1800's when the mass exodus of the Quaker families out of the south and into the non-slave states of Ohio and Indiana occurred. To join:
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